‘Bell Ringer Blues’ out on Marcel Worms’ latest album!

‘Bell Ringer Blues’ is on Marcel Worms’ CD ’20 Years of New Blues for Piano’!

The cd presentation was last sunday in Bimhuis, Amsterdam.

About Bell Ringer Blues:

‘After the ringing of a bell an easy-on-the-ear jazzy blues turns into a dramatic piece of music. Until this contrasting passage the musical motives sounded normally, thereafter they return in a more dissonant part with many restless runs. Likewise elements of our prosperous lives may seem normal until we are confronted with some drastic event. An event of life or death in our own or in someone elses life with which we can identify ourselves. Our existence can be put in a completely different perspective and elements we consider as normal suddenly form a sharp contrast with situations we didn’t know about before. For some people this can lead to a lasting dissatisfaction with their current existence.

This composition is dedicated to thriving Europe and to all people who lost a relative during their flight to Europe.”


You can listen the whole cd this week at ‘Plaatpaal’ of radio 4:
